Angela McCuiston's Flute Studio

Parent Expectations and Responsibilities

  1. Support the fulfillment of your child’s responsibilities. Consistency is the key to learning a musical instrument!  This means showing up to lessons, practice and performances.
  2. Encourage progress. Many small steps throughout the year yield big results!
  3. Remind your son/daughter ofdaily practice and help them to schedule this practice time in their daily routine.  Better yet, have a practice chart.
  4. Provide a practice environment that is free from interruptions (family, friends, TV, computer or phone).
  5. Be financially responsible and pay tuition ON TIME.  For questions regarding tuition and your account, login to your account at My Music Staff online payments are accepted!
  6. Communicate with the teacher about any questions or concerns you have regarding the student, music, practicing, Flute Day, Mid-State, Solo and Ensemble, recitals or lesson content.

 Student Expectations and Responsibilities

  1. Schedule 15-30 minutes of practice each day for at least five days per week. Two of those days must include the day of and following the private lesson. Remember: playing is not practising!Band class does not count towards your practice time.
  2. Complete all assignments.The Assignments are emailed and available through your My Music Staff site.Your child should also be writing them down in his/her notebook.If you are confused on how to practice, ask! Practice steps are included verbally in the lesson, and in the lesson notes.
  3. Review carefully any suggestions or instructions given in the previous lesson.
  4. Arrive promptly at your lesson time. You reserve the time slot, not the number of minutes.
  5. If questions arise, be sure to ask your teacher questions during lessons; We want you to understand the assignment and expectations.

Teacher Expectations and Responsibilities

  1. Provide each student with the personal attention and respect necessary to develop his/her individual talents.
  2. Guide each student to a greater understanding and enjoyment of music.
  3. Guide each student towards an awareness of her/his capabilities – clearly communicating short-term and long-term goals. This may be verbal or written communication. Re-evaluation of these goals happens periodically and at the beginning of each semester.
  4. Encourage a feeling of success at each student’s individual rate of learning.
  5. Guide each student towards Musical Independence and Initiative through a balanced program of theory, technique and repertoire. 
    • Theory- studying the “grammar” of the language of music.
    • Technique- the physical mechanics of the instrument
    • Repertoire- a list of pieces to be learned based on standard classical, jazz and popular music essential to gaining an understanding and appreciation for music of many different kinds
  6. Report the progress of the student to the parent, listen to any concerns and answer any questions that the parent and student may have.
  7. Teach the student how to problem solve and eventually teach themselves.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled lessons per each spring and fall semester.  All parents receive an attendance contract to sign upon enrollment.

Our tuition and enrollment fees are non-refundable. Please plan lesson times and social engagements accordingly. Each student is allowed one makeup class each semester, this will be scheduled at the end of each semester. If I miss a date, I will do my best to make that lesson up if at all possible.

Summer participation in lessons will be expected and scheduled on an individual basis. Each student is learning a new language and without reinforcement, new ideas, a change of pace and practice – they lose the very skills they have worked so hard to attain over the course of the past nine months.


"You don’t have to practice every day, just on the days that you eat."

This is good advice, but not always the most practical. The most important time for the student to practice is immediately following the lesson – or at least on the same day as the lesson, after the student has received instruction. Research indicates that retention rate is as high as 90% on the first day, whereas it drops to almost 60% if the students waits just 24-hours.

I say aim for six and expect five days of practice. If a student has 30 minute lessons, a good daily practice session would last between 15 and 20 minutes each day. If a student has a 45 minute lesson, a good daily practice session would last between 30 and 45 minutes each day.

You get out of it what you put into it – what we require is consistency and the results speak for themselves.


I require 24 hours notice if your child is going to be absence.  If your child is sick and is going to miss school, please make sure to contact me before  8 AM the day of the lesson.  This allows enough time to reschedule other students if necessary. If you do not give the above notice, the lesson is forfeit.

Makeup lessons are scheduled if time is available but are not guaranteed.  For students, at the conclusion of each semester there will be a makeup day. Additionally you may also have your student schedule a make-up lesson time with me via Skype at some time during the semester. Please note that these makeup lessons/days are not for students who miss lessons due to play dates, games, non-emergency doctor appointments or family vacations. Please check your calendar in MTH to confirm lesson dates and times.

Private Lesson Tuition

See Financial Responsibility Contract here.  

Recitals and Public Performances

Each student is expected to participate in at least two performances per year. We will be planning one recital each semester: September for Summer, December for Fall and April for Spring. Please see calendar for more specific dates!

Inclement Weather

Inclement weather days are factored into the flat semester rate, they do not require a make-up day, though if this is easily facilitated by the teacher, it may be an option.


In order to maintain their teacher's availability for fall, all students are required to register for our summer program.   Should you choose not to participate in summer session, you will risk losing your slot with your teacher.  If you know you will be traveling most of the summer, we do have a pay-ahead option that we would be happy to discuss with you.  Please me at

Check out my YouTube channel!

I have a YouTube channel with tips, performances and Midstate recordings.  Check it out if you haven't!

Get your lesson books from Amazon

If you are not paying the supply fee and prefer to buy the materials on your own, I've got an Amazon store with all the different things I require to make it easy to find. Check it out at My Amazon Store

Nolensville, Antioch flute lessons

Are you in the Nolensville, Cane Ridge, Smyrna, LaVergne, Antioch area?  I give flute and piccolo lessons in my home in Cane Ridge and I would love to teach you there!  Contact me for more details.

2019 Flute Studio Recital

Our annual flute studio recital is ascheduled for April 28th at 2 PM at East End United Methodist Church, 1212 Holly St. Nashville, TN.   Mark your calendars and make plans to be there, it will be a great time!